dissabte, 9 de març del 2013

I say yeah! #MinutsMusicals amb #TenYearsAfter en record d' #AlvinLee

I Say Yeah

When I ask questions, don't tell no lies
Just look me in the eyes
Don't say no and don't say maybe
And don't ask me why
Just say yeah, yes, yes is what to say
Just say yeah, yes, and go along your way, ooh baby now

When you need me, well I'll come running
And that's the way to be
Just call on me when you want some loving
And I'll give it all for free
I'll say yeah, yes, yes is what to say
I'll say yeah, yes, and we'll go along a way, ooh baby now

Well, we don't need no shove
Cause I just fall in love with you, child
Well we don't need no push
Cause we just dig the rush with you

Ten Years After

Alvin Lee, guitarrista i cantant de Ten Years After, va morir aquesta setmana passada; serveixin aquests minuts musicals d'homenatgeagraïment!

Al seu dia, fa uns 20 anys, vaig comprar el disc Watt de Ten Years After...encara hi ha l'etiqueta amb el preu: 1.500 pts o, el que és el mateix, uns 9 euros!

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