Coses que faig, coses que veig, coses que penso...
dissabte, 2 d’agost del 2014
#MinutsMusicals de 1974 amb "A million miles away" de Rory Gallagher
L'any 1974 el guitarrista irlandès Rory Gallagher ja impuslava amb molta energia la seva carrera en solitari, iniciada 3 anys abans, després del seu pas per Taste.
Amb 5 àlbums publicats, un d'ells en directe, l'any 1974 Rory Gallagher es trobava en plena gira del seu 5è treball en solitari, publicat l'any 1973, "Tattoo". Fruit d'aquella gira va néixer el seu sisè àlbum en solitari, i segon enregistrat en directe, "lrish Tour '74", gravat a les ciutats irlandeses de Belfast, Dublín i Cork.
D'entre les 8 cançons que formen part d'aquest elapé he escollit una de les més conegudes del genial guitarrista irlandès: "A million miles away"!
Malauradament a mitjans de l'any 1995 el seu fetge, castigat per l'alcohol, va poder més que la seva guitarra i Irlanda, també el rock i el blues, va perdre una de les seves millors guitarres!
Aquí el teniu, Rory Gallagher "a million miles away"!
A million miles away
This hotel bar is full of people
The piano man is really laying it down
Even the old bartender is as high as a steeple
So why tonight should I wear a frown?
The joint is jumping all around me
And my mood is really not in style
Right now the blues flock to surround me
But I'll break out after a while
Well, I'm a million miles away
I'm a million miles away
Sailing like a driftwood
On a windy bay
Yes, I'm a million miles away
I'm a million miles away
Sailing like a driftwood
On a windy bay
Why ask how I feel?
Well, how does it look to you?
I fell hook, line and sinker
Lost my captain and my crew
I'm standing on the landing
And there's no one there but me
That's where you'll see me
Looking out on the deep blue sea
There's a song on the lips of everybody
There's a smile all 'round the room
There's conversation overflowing
So why must I sit here in the gloom
This hotel bar has lost all its people
The piano man has caught the last bus home
The old bartender sleeps in the corner
So why must I still be here?, I don't know, let me tell you
I'm a million miles away
I'm a million miles away
Sailing like a driftwood on a windy bay
I'm a million miles away
I'm a million miles away
Sailing like a driftwood on a windy bay
Yes, I'm a million miles away
I'm a million miles away
Sailing like a driftwood on a windy bay
Well, I'm a million miles
I'm a million miles, I'm a million miles
Sailing like a driftwood on a windy bay, oh, oh yeah
També forma part d'aquest disc d'avui la cançó Tattoo'd Lady...
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